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A1 Circle L 1/2 INACTIVES swing (face down) (16)
A2 Down in a line of 4 (inactives in middle), inactives cross through the actives* (actives move in) all face up and return in a proper line of 4 (actives in the middle) (face across) (16)
B1 Actives turn contra corners (16)
B2 Actives balance and swing (face down)(16)
Notes: *inactives cross through the actives is like a 1/4 figure eight. #2 women cross through first and face up outside of active women, #2 men next and face up outside active men. It's actually a very smooth move. This is yet another try at a contra corners dance with equality for the inactives. At the North Whitefield dance in Feb 1996, Evan, a 9 year old boy, was asleep for most of the dance. When he awoke someone had cleaned up the hall and taken his shoes away. He was spending the night in South Harpswell at David Kaynor's family cottage and was not pleased at having to make the trip (in February) barefooted! Composed Feb 24, 1996. I like smooth reels for this one. Trip to Durrow (D), Miss Monaghan's (G), and Barrowburn (D) work nicely.
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